
Acryseal Wall Sealer
Acryseal Wall Sealer
Year of Completion
Low Sheen

Seamaster Acryseal Wall Sealer is formulated to resist alkaline and efflorescence. The water-based acrylic primer sealer used in new and old building provides a good adhesion for finishing coats and subsequent coats.

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Product Description

Criteria Description
Solvent/water based Water
Finishing Low Sheen
Information Seamaster Acryseal Wall Sealer is water based acrylic primer sealer formulated to provide alkaline and efflorescence resistance. It is use as a primer for new and old building and also provide good adhesion for finishing coat besides give good surface for the painting of subsequent coat.
Product features
  • Excellent barrier coat against alkalinity especially for new walls
  • Gives a good surface for the painting of subsequent coat
Touch dry ≤ 20min
Hard dry ≤ 1 hour
Recoating interval 2-3 hours
Therotical Coverage 10-12 m²/litre
Uses Primer for new and old building surfaces such as brickwork, plaster, cement, asbestos, etc
Application Brush, Roller, Spray
Sequence Product Reference No. of coats
Primer Seamaster Acryseal Wall Sealer 1701 1
Finish Coat Seamaster Weathersheen 8900G / Wall Tex 7700G & etc. (for interior/exterior use) 2